- availableConsoleColors
string[] availableConsoleColors()
Return all available console string colors for this library.
- black
string black(const(char)[] text)
- blue
string blue(const(char)[] text)
Terminal colors functions. Change foreground color of the text.
This wraps the text around, for consumption into cwrite or equivalent.
- color
string color(const(char)[] text, const(char)[] color)
Wraps text into a particular foreground color.
Wrong colourname gets ignored.
- cwrite
void cwrite(T args)
- cwritef
void cwritef(Char[] fmt, T args)
- cwritefln
void cwritefln(Char[] fmt, T args)
- cwriteln
void cwriteln(T args)
Coloured write/writef/writeln/writefln.
- cyan
string cyan(const(char)[] text)
Terminal colors functions. Change foreground color of the text.
This wraps the text around, for consumption into cwrite or equivalent.
- disableConsoleColors
void disableConsoleColors()
Disable output console colors.
- green
string green(const(char)[] text)
- grey
string grey(const(char)[] text)
- lblue
string lblue(const(char)[] text)
- lcyan
string lcyan(const(char)[] text)
- lgreen
string lgreen(const(char)[] text)
- lgrey
string lgrey(const(char)[] text)
- lmagenta
string lmagenta(const(char)[] text)
- lred
string lred(const(char)[] text)
- magenta
string magenta(const(char)[] text)
Terminal colors functions. Change foreground color of the text.
This wraps the text around, for consumption into cwrite or equivalent.
- on_black
string on_black(const(char)[] text)
- on_blue
string on_blue(const(char)[] text)
- on_cyan
string on_cyan(const(char)[] text)
- on_green
string on_green(const(char)[] text)
- on_grey
string on_grey(const(char)[] text)
- on_lblue
string on_lblue(const(char)[] text)
- on_lcyan
string on_lcyan(const(char)[] text)
- on_lgreen
string on_lgreen(const(char)[] text)
- on_lgrey
string on_lgrey(const(char)[] text)
- on_lmagenta
string on_lmagenta(const(char)[] text)
- on_lred
string on_lred(const(char)[] text)
- on_magenta
string on_magenta(const(char)[] text)
- on_orange
string on_orange(const(char)[] text)
- on_red
string on_red(const(char)[] text)
- on_white
string on_white(const(char)[] text)
- on_yellow
string on_yellow(const(char)[] text)
Change background color of the text.
This wraps the text around, for consumption into cwrite or equivalent.
- orange
string orange(const(char)[] text)
- red
string red(const(char)[] text)
- white
string white(const(char)[] text)
- yellow
string yellow(const(char)[] text)
Terminal colors functions. Change foreground color of the text.
This wraps the text around, for consumption into cwrite or equivalent.
Console colors library. Define the main symbols cwritefln, and color functions.